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Price List

We sell and deliver all Landscaping Material, Construction Aggregates, Soils and Mulches available in the Denver Metro Area. These are the locally produced materials that are the most popular among most Denver homeowners.

There is never any cost or obligation to receive a "to the penny" material and delivery Bid.

If you don't see the material you need listed here, call us at 720-298-0948 or head over to our contact page to fill out a form.


Applying the proper depth of material is essential to material depth calculations.

Price List
Product Price
3/8" minus Denver Rose Rock $36.95 per ton
3/4" & 1 1/2" Local River Rock $57.95 per ton
3/4" & 1 1/2" Mountain Granite Rock    $45.95 per ton
Pea Gravel 3/8"                        $38.95 per ton ($3.00/ton decrease)
Squeegee 1/4" minus                    $36.95 per ton ($3.00/ton decrease)
Crusher Fines - Granite or River Rock.   $26.95 per ton (No decrease)
Mountain Granite
Product Price
4" Avg. Mountain Granite Tracking Pad                   $43.95 per ton
6" Avg. Mountain Granite RipRap               $52.95 per ton
9" Avg. Mountain Granite RipRap               $59.95 per ton
12" Avg. Mountain Granite RipRap  $64.95 per ton
Larger sizes available by Bid
Price List
Product Price
Washed Concrete Sand. $26.95 per ton ($2.00/ton decrease)
Class 6 Granite Roadbase               $24.95 per ton
Recycled Asphalt Roadbase              $26.95 per ton
Recycled Concrete Roadbase             $24.95 per ton
Class 1 Structural Fill                $18.95 per ton (No increase)
Screened Topsoil                       $36.95 per ton ($3.00/ton decrease)
Screened Fill Dirt                     $16.95 per ton
1"- 1/2" Recycled Contractor's Rock        $26.95 per ton (No increase)
Recycled Concrete RipRap  3-6"        Ask for quote
River Rock Cobblestone
Product Price
2" - 4"                                  $79.95 per ton
3" - 6"                                  $86.95 per ton
Material Coverage Chart Per Ton / Cubic Yard
Material Coverage
3/4 inch minus Rock (All types).
105 sq. feet 2 layers deep
1-1/2" Rock (All types) 80 sq. feet 2 layers deep
Screened Topsoil / Soil Mixes / Compost / Mulches
By the ton. 100 sq. feet 2 inches deep By the cubic yard. 150 sq. feet 2 inches deep.
Denver Rose Rock 3/8 inch, Pea Gravel 3/8 inch, Squeegee 1/4 inch minus, Sand, Crusher
Fines 1/4 inch minus, Class 1 Structural Fill, Screened Fill Dirt
100 sq. feet 2 inches deep
Roadbase, Class 6 All types 80 sq. feet 2 inches deep 60 sq. feet 3 inches deep
Granite Tracking Pad 4 inch Average Size 40 sq. feet 2 layers deep
Granite RipRap 2 layers deep. 6 inch Average 34 sq. feet 9 inch Average 23 sq. feet 12 inch Average 17 sq. feet
Local River Rock Cobblestone 2 layers deep. 2 - 4 inch 65 sq. feet 3 - 6 inch. 60 sq. feet
A layer is the depth of the material. 1 and 1/2" granite one layer deep is 1 1/2"