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City Xeriscape Resources Denver Metro & Front Range Areas

Because of the cost of watering lawns and water restrictions in some areas, the cities of the Denver Metro area are encouraging homeowners to Xeriscape at least part of your lawn. This will help you save money on water and all the time spent working on the lawn; weeding, fertilizing and mowing.

Xeriscaping definition - Xeriscape landscaping promotes water efficiency by using plants that are native and adaptable to Colorado's semi-arid climate. Denver Water coined the word in 1981 by combining "landscape" and the Greek word "xeros," which means dry. Xeriscaping is not large expanses of rock, cactus or sparse planting. Through appropriate plant selection, soil amendments, mulch, and irrigation, a lush landscape can be produced.

Here is a list of city programs and regulations that will help you make the transition from lawn to native plant and rock habitat. We have listed the most current information available. Most of the cities plans are from 2022, but they should have this years available shortly. If you have any questions, call your cities planning department office directly.

Additional Reading

Xeriscape Design Guidelines