Sand Four SaleClick here to request a bid on materials

Rose Rock - This Product is currently unavailable but we expect to have it available later in the year


New Product - 3/8” minus Denver Rose Rock. 3/8” minus with approximately 15% fines. It works best for walkways, around fire pits, around garden sheds, paths, decorative landscaping around trees and shrubs and anything else you can dream of.

1 ton covers 100 square feet 2 inches deep. It is $36.95 pet ton, plus local sales tax and delivery.


Notice: 3/8” minus Denver Rose Rock. 1 ton covers 100 square feet and (around) fire pits. 2 layers deep.

 landscape material, rock, river rock, smooth, decorative landscaping rock, dry creek bed construction, french drain construction, driveway rock, parking areaor lot rock, raised bed drainage rock, mulch substitute, fire pit rock, erosion control rock and rock walking path, popular decorative rock, colors, natural colors, natural rocks

3/8” minus Denver Rose Rock. It is mostly Rose colored with a tiny amount of off - white pieces

multi-colored Local River Rock, all types of colors

3/8” minus Denver Rose Rock. For walkways and garden paths, it works best to lightly compact the rock.

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Tonnage Example - Use calculator below to determine amount needed
Product Length Width L x W = SF SF / Depth Tons
3/8" Rock 30 Feet 40 Feet 1200 100 12

How to Order the Correct Amount of Material

Measure the length and width of the area. Get the total square footage by multiplying the length by the width.

Example: 30 feet x 40 feet = 1200 square feet
1200 sq. ft divided by 100 = 12 tons

Once you determine your material and amount needed, call us at 720-298-0948

Or use the Contact page to arrange for delivery and pricing.

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